Expat Living – adjusting to a new life


Today was a really good day, one of those days that make me feel inspired and motivated to get out of my comfort zone a little more often.

I moved to Bahrain about two months ago and I have been such a hermit. My “daily” routine is just to go to my gym and the pool and in the evenings I stay in my apartment watching TV or polo online and reading and writing about polo. Every chance I got in these past two months I went to Dubai, for polo and because I know a lot of people there and hardly any here. I have gotten to know some of my colleagues, but we are not all here at the same time and half of the crew lives far away, so I have only been out and about with them a few times.

Packed up 100 kg of my most essential things and moved continents

Packed up 100 kg of my most essential things and moved continents

View from the plane leaving Dubai

View from the plane leaving Dubai

I have moved a few times in my life, like big moves, across-the-Atlantic-big-moves, with my mom from Brazil to Denmark and then again partially to Spain, with a friend from Denmark to Buenos Aires and on my own to Dubai, where I already had a friend living. This move to Bahrain was completely different, I moved on my own and this move was very sudden, I didn’t have time to prepare for it, I just had to figure it out as I went. My apartment here is very comfortable and I think I was getting a little too comfortable inside my little bubble.

This Boeing engine looks more like a mushroom, but just imagine it as a bubble ;)

This Boeing engine looks more like a mushroom, but just imagine it as a bubble 😉

It’s always a challenge moving to a new place, adjusting to a new life-style, getting a new routine and  the most important making new friends, or it is actually more about finding new friends. I am a very open and sociable person, so I don’t find it hard to talk to people, but I wouldn’t walk up to a stranger at the supermarket and be like “hey, wanna be friends?” that would seem a little weird, so the problem here is finding or rather meeting new people in a normal and natural setting.

I was definitely in a bubble and might still be, but I needed to get out of my apartment and have something to do, so I started riding lessons, unfortunately there is no polo in Bahrain, but there are other equestrian sports, so I figured that I would just take normal riding lessons for now. My instructor insisted on me trying the jumps and thinks he is going to convert my love for polo in to show jumping. Sorry to disappoint you B, but I don’t think it’s going to happen, polo is my heart to stay. I mean I really did not care much about horses before I fell in love with polo.

My first riding lesson and Tess and I jumped, I am proud of myself that I did it, but really I rather have a Stick and Ball.

My first riding lesson and Tess and I jumped, I am proud of myself that I did it, but really I rather have a Stick and Ball.

I realized something at the riding school; one thing that always unites people is a common interest and especially sports. It’s easy to start a conversation, as there is something very obvious to talk about which you know the other person likes and it isn’t weird to sit down next to them and ask them a question. People hang out before and after lessons, we watched the others ride and sat and talked on the sidelines, so today I made a new friend and I am really happy about that. I went to the riding school to learn how to ride and got a new friend to boot. So my advice to expats everywhere, especially the ones who have moved on their own, join a club with whatever sport you already enjoy or take lessons in a new sport.


There are a few cool buildings in Bahrain and a nice sunset


Driving through Bahrain on my way back home I was thinking about this whole situation and how I got here. If we go just 4 months back in time I was in a completely different position and had no clue that this was what life had planned for me “life happens when you are making other plans” it’s funny cause it’s true. And to be honest I am proud of myself, I have grown a lot lately I do things even though I am a little scared and even though I am thrown out of my comfort zone completely. Moving back to the Middle East was a big leap of faith, which i did not think about for too long I just did it and I am determined to make the best of it, wish me luck! And if there’s anyone else out there needing a new friend in Bahrain drop me a line.


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