Florida Bound

The Breaker's Hotel in Palm Beach

I finally got my work schedule for next month, so I immediately started planning and searching for the best plane ticket options. As always I am trying to do a lot in little time and since I live in the Middle East it’s kind of far to Europe and very far to get to the US, but I think I found a good solution in a Copenhagen stopover.

I am going to Florida, for the US Open Polo final and to visit my mom, stopping by Copenhagen for a few days on both ways to break up the trips and see friends and family there. One of my best friends is coming along to the States with me from Denmark, so this whole trip is just getting better and better. With family, friends and polo it can only be an amazing vacation!!

I have a special bond to Florida as I spent about a fourth of my childhood there. My mom’s sister has lived in Florida for as long as I can remember, so while I was growing up every school holiday we had we would go visit her and my 3 cousins. This is also why I have an American accent, people are often confused by my accent (since I am Danish and Brazilian) and this is the explanation, 3 months per year in Fort Lauderdale.

Palm Beach at The Breaker's Hotel

The Breaker’s Hotel in Palm Beach

Lunch with a view of Fort Lauderdale beach

Lunch with a view of Fort Lauderdale beach

Anyways I love Florida and can’t wait to be back there, sailing the Inter-coastal, lazing on the beach, shopping in the cute malls and gallerias and having lunch at Rocco’s Tacos, which is a great place with yummy food and they make guacamole at your table, just an awesome spot on Las Olas Boulevard, which is also a good hangout place for people-watching.

Awesome guacamole at Rocco's tacos, photo from their website

Awesome guacamole at Rocco’s tacos, photo from their website

We will hop down to Miami for a day or two, so any recommendations of places to go are more than welcome! Please just comment below if there is a restaurant, cafe, club or spot on the beach that we should visit. I have been to Miami a few times before, but usually when I am in FL it’s just family and relaxation time, so I will be as much of a tourist as my friend and we are up for exploring.

Welcome to Miami Beach

Welcome to Miami Beach

But the main reason for this trip is as for most of my trips POLO. I am so excited to be able to attend the U.S. Open Polo Championship at the International Polo Club in Palm Beach. This will be the first time I attend a polo tournament at IPC. On my last trip to Florida I went to the Grand Champions Polo Club near IPC for the North American Cup and we stopped by IPC on the way home just to have a look at the field.

North American Cup at Grand Champion Polo Club

North American Cup at Grand Champion Polo Club

Mallets in the air! North American Cup at Grand Champion Polo Club

Mallets in the air! North American Cup at Grand Champion Polo Club

Mom and I during the prize-giving ceremony

Mom and I during the prize-giving ceremony

And the winners were team USA

And the winners were team USA, Kris Kampsen, Grant Ganzi, Jeff Blake and Nic Roldan

Sunset behind the International Polo Club

Sunset behind the International Polo Club in Palm Beach

My friend and I have purchased our tickets for the lavish Veuve Clicquot Champagne Brunch and being girls we are of course already planning our outfits. But champagne, dresses, wedges and hats aside I cannot wait to watch the match, which looking at the team line-ups, with some of the world’s top players, I know it will be spectacular. I will of course blog about it after and post on Instagram and Twitter during, so make sure to follow me on there as well, just click on the birdie at the top right hand side and check out my latest Instagram posts on the right-hand-side of this page. And don’t forget to subscribe so you receive notifications of my new posts by e-mail also right over there on the right 😉



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