A Stroll Through Paris


Paris is always a good idea, so when our New York trip was cut short I was disappointed, but when I found out we were going to Paris I had another smile on my face.


Landing in to Le Bourget Airport in Paris

Landing in to Le Bourget Airport in Paris


I have been to Paris a few times before. My first trip there being with my cousin, uncle and aunt when I was 15, a magical experience complete with boat tours, escargot for lunch in the Jules Verne restaurant in the Eiffel Tower and the famous subtle smile in the eyes of Mona Lisa.

My fellow crew had also been to Paris a few times, so we decided to just take a stroll through town and see where we would end up.





Notre Dame Cathedral



As we needed a destination to tell our taxi driver we decided on the famous cathedral of Notre Dame as a good starting point and made our way up the river, stopping every 2 minutes for a crewfie (crew selfie) with my selfie stick.


Pont Notre Dame

Pont Notre Dame

Selfie sticks are really fun and useful, hihi.

Selfie sticks are really fun and useful, hihi.

Pont Notre Dame

Pont Notre Dame

Love Locks Bridge, the bridge had become too heavy and they had to remove the grid with the locks on the actual bridge and could only let the ones on the side remain.

Love Locks Bridge, the bridge had become too heavy and they had to remove the grid with the locks on the actual bridge and could only let the ones on the side remain.

Love Locks Bridge

Love Locks Bridge

Love Locks Bridge

Love Locks Bridge

The Arc du Triomphe du Carrousel

The Arc du Triomphe du Carrousel in front of Louvre museum

The feeling of freedom, in front of the Pyramide du Louvre

The feeling of freedom, in front of the Pyramide du Louvre

Jardin des Tuileries

Jardin des Tuileries


After a couple of hours of wandering around, it was time for a little break, which turned in to a champagne break, because well we were in Paris, so it seemed fitting. We stumbled upon the Lenôtre Café, situated in the Champs-Élysées gardens like a little gem, protected from the hectic traffic and busy life of Paris. The first item on the menu was a glass of Lenôtre Brut with Rose syrup and yes that’s exactly what we went for and it was delicious.


Cafe Lenôtre Champs Èlysées

Cafe Lenôtre Champs Élysées

Cafe Lenôtre Champs Èlysées

Cafe Lenôtre Champs Élysées

Cafe Lenôtre Champs Èlysées

Champagne just makes me happy

and a crewfie with the selfie stick for good measure

and a crewfie with the selfie stick for good measure


After our little break it was time to go shopping. I was really only meant to go window-shopping, but then again I was in Paris and I just couldn’t resist.


Champs-Élysées and the Arc du Triomphe

Champs-Élysées and the Arc du Triomphe

Avenue Montaigne, shopping paradise

Avenue Montaigne, shopping paradise

Happy shopper with a new little handbag

Happy shopper


One of the delights of shopping in Paris: they offer you champagne while you wait (or help your friend decide which shoes to buy) yay more bubbles.


Bubbly in Louis

Bubbly in Louis


With several bags full of goodies and many giggles from the bubbles it was time to move on and we really couldn’t leave Paris without a single picture of the Eiffel tower. So we took about 80 and the obligatory “picking up the tower” photo.


Selfie stick is use again

Selfie stick in use again

Selfie with the Eiffel Tower

Selfie with the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower Eiffel Tower

Swapped hats to mix things up a little

Swapped hats to mix things up a little

Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

Might still have been affected by the bubbles


Then it was time to head home and enjoy sunset drinks at our hotel rooftop bar overlooking the private airport and sleeping jets.


Sunset over Le Bourget Paris and some sleeping private jets

Sunset over Le Bourget Paris and some sleeping private jets


Paris is such a beautiful city, around every corner is a perfect picture waiting to be taken and the atmosphere is just delightful. I hope to be going back to the city of lights again soon and hopefully for longer than just an afternoon.

Let me know in the comments field where your favorite places in Paris are.


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2 Responses

  1. Joanna says:

    Let’s put it this way- Paris is never a bad idea! 😉 Stunning pictures!

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