Big changes in my #Crewlife


I am sorry it has been so long since my last post, but I have had some huge changes in my life and couldn’t find the peace and calm to write about it. First of all I got a new job, so I had to resign from my job in Bahrain, pack up my life once more and say goodbye to some really great people. People, who had become my family in the year I spent on the island. It was sad to say good-bye, as it always is, but when friendships are true, they will continue despite the distance, so I look forward to meeting up with my Bahrain family in random places across the globe in the future.

Bahrain Family Christmas

Saying Good-Bye to the Big Bird

Saying Good-Bye to the Big Bird

I moved all of my things back to Denmark and crammed it all in to my brother’s bedroom (sorry, Nick!) until I figure out where I am going to live.

I started my new job only two days after leaving Bahrain, so it was a little hectic. I went to my flight-training refresher (the usual of emergency landings, fighting fire, shouting out emergency drills, checking and re-checking all of the equipment onboard, doing CPR, the Heimlich maneuver and how to wrap up a broken arm, sliding down the evacuation slide and a lot more!).

Walks around the lake in the snow with my besties

Walks around the lake in the snow with my besties

Then I had a week off to enjoy with my friends and family in Denmark and then off to my first trip on the new job, which I am documenting all along the way and posting on Snapchat: polopeopleplace and some favorites on Instagram; sorry, but I’m not sorry for giving everyone vacation envy 😉 The Caribbean is just amazing and I really recommend it to anyone, who loves the sea and want to go on a relaxing, yet adventurous vacation! And now I am off to explore some more of this beautiful place. Make sure to follow me on Snapchat and Instagram and keep tuned here on the blog, I promise that I will be more active, I have some big plans for 2016, it will be great!

Living and loving my life!!! Feeling extremely blessed for the opportunities I have been given and where they take me!

Living and loving my life!!! Feeling extremely blessed for the opportunities I have been given and where they take me!


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2 Responses

  1. PoloChicks says:

    Beautiful photos and a great bikini pic as well, best of luck in the new job!

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